Food for Funds : 2023

Project Abstract

Food for Funds is a comprehensive project that uncovers how food can be used as a powerful fundraising tool. This study focuses specifically on the "Grilled Cheesy with the Dee Zees" event organized by the Epsilon Omicron chapter of the Delta Zeta sorority at Western Illinois University. The philanthropic initiative undertaken by the Delta Zeta chapter involved hosting a grilled cheese dinner to raise funds for the Starkey Hearing Foundation. By examining the event's unique blend of culinary delight and charitable purpose, this study aims to uncover valuable insights into the effectiveness of food-centric fundraising initiatives. My personal role within the event as Vice President of Philanthropy urged me to complete research on how grilled cheese has been used as a comfort food within the United States since the Great Depression. Furthermore, the sorority used these research initiatives to choose a food item that appealed to a large group of people. The event allowed the sorority to connect with the community of Western Illinois University, Macomb, and other Greek Life organizations on campus. Through the philanthropy event, "Grilled Cheesy with the Dee Zees", the sorority could raise money and directly show how a food fundraiser can be extremely successful and bring a community together. Furthermore, the sorority was able to make the event accessible to those with dietary restrictions and those with physical disabilities. This foodways research project proved that food can bring a community together, raise money for a greater good, and provide an affordable meal that exhibited culinary trends.